Floss is a fantastic coach and really helped me in a time I was dealing with back to back major tournaments while juggling being a new Mum and studying an MBA. She helped organise my thoughts, focus on my priorities and quieten my inner critic. She is an attentive listener and a voice of calm, reassuring reason. She was on hand whenever I needed her and continues to support my career development. I don’t hesitate in recommending Floss, she is wonderful!

Faye Curruthers, broadcaster

“I first decided to work with Floss because I wanted to take a brave step outside of employment to start a new business and I felt I was being held back by a number of factors – limiting beliefs, wavering confidence and a lack of self-discipline. 

I had a hunch that if I had someone external to my wife, family and friends who I could share my professional situation with, to talk through my hopes and anxieties for this new venture, someone who would hold me accountable for the steps I said I was going to take, then I’d be in a much better place. 

My hunch was right. Floss has been an incredible support as I’m making the transition from working for an organisation to working for myself. There have been times where I felt the whole idea was too hard, too outlandish, or I lacked hope and felt frustrated. Floss made me qualify those emotions, and used her superpowers to help me to unpick why I was feeling that way, almost without me knowing, and then helped me form the right next steps to move forward. I always leave our sessions with renewed vigour and a plan. And importantly, she holds me accountable for the follow through. 

I’ve been guilty before of having big ideas that just stay as ideas. But having the structure of a professional coach with scheduled meetings, Floss has helped give life to my ideas so they actually become a reality. 

I’m about to launch my business with my first client and Floss has been an invaluable partner along this journey which has been fraught with many ups and downs. On my own, who knows how I’d have dealt with them or if I’d have turned back. I’m so pleased I recognised my own limitations and tendencies to make that first decision to work with Floss. 

I wish even earlier in my career when I was wondering how to progress in an organisation, I had the resource of Floss to help me navigate the dynamics of the workplace and the various pressures I was under. Particularly working in sports where you see daily the benefits of coaching and personal support, it seems mad to me that I never previously considered having my own professional coach if I wanted to grow and develop further and faster. 

I’m almost loathed to write a testimonial because I want greater availability of Floss’s time. A great investment that will continue to pay dividends. 

rich wilson, EX head of media relations, mercedes-amg petronas formula one, now business owner of soul street partners

I have worked with Floss for some time and have enjoyed the conversations and guidance she has given. Always excellent at listening, she allows me to get things out in the open. It is great to be able to talk through situations, be asked the right questions and prompt some ideas.  Floss has proved invaluable and a great sounding board. She has a rounded sense of perspective and I could not recommend her work highly enough.

Steve Weaver, Head of Football Development, Norwich City FC

I’d never really considered coaching previously but now I can’t imagine being without it. So many times I’ll arrive with a topic that I may have been thinking about for some time and I come out of a session with such a clear direction of what to do or where I’m heading. Floss doesn’t provide you with the answer but takes you on a journey to achieve clarity. I’ve had so many lightbulb moments during my sessions and come out with a real sense of motivation. Through our time together I’ve gained more confidence, become kinder to myself and I’ve learnt to trust myself so much more than before.

Zoe Webber, executive Director, Norwich City FC

“I was very fortunate to have the opportunity of working with Floss during a period of change in my career; a former colleague who understood the industry and the often unique situations we find ourselves in.

I was struggling to find my purpose, feeling overwhelmed and self doubt was creeping in.  Our conversations and the mental exercises we completed allowed me to work through challenging situations and take meaningful action.  Floss’s listening skills and attentive questions meant I often resolved my own topics of concern.  I learnt not to be too hard on myself and trust my own judgement, which in turn has boosted my confidence to make changes for myself.

Floss’s support, encouragement and advice helped my personal development.  She always left me with something new to think about. Floss is a great resource, the angel on my shoulder that I needed during a time of professional instability”


I have been working with Floss for almost a year now.  She’s been a breath of fresh air to work with.  Floss has been a massive help in helping me and supporting me in making big decisions career-wise and in my personal life.  Floss’s own experiences around sport and her professional background and willingness to help others is what makes her so good at what she does.  She has really helped me get into a good place.


I’m a busy Mum, running a small business and developing a complex of properties.

Constantly distracted, with an overloaded brain, I was struggling to focus and complete anything.

Floss helped me to recognise and focus on my goals, prioritising and providing me with a planning toolkit to make my aspirations a reality.

She’s a practical forward thinker, able to put her spin on things with an ‘all things are possible attitude’.

Floss is incredibly easy to work with, I now have a clear plan of where I’m heading and its becoming a reality. I wish I’d met her years ago!


“Floss made it a very easy process with times and locations that suited me. I had only tried my own motivation before but felt after a few life knocks I could use something more structured was looking for external, independent input. 
It didn’t really feel like work. Our conversations were constructive and easy with some great observations from Floss. I felt empowered to be able to follow through on some thoughts I had about how to handle an upsetting situation at work and take some time to focus on myself.
The coaching conversations left to me motivated to take actions and do things differently, however, I did not feel forced into doing anything or that I must do it because she said so, it all felt very natural. 
I’ve come away with a greater sense of self worth and belief that change is ok, as is shaking things up a bit. 
I would definitely recommend working with Floss. She has a lovely manner, listens very well, makes sound suggestions and asks great questions. It doesn’t feel like you are being coached and yet I always left feeling good and enthused to make the changes I thought were right for me. 
I really enjoyed the process!

JANE delbridge, booja-booja